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Enable LED
1. Add following lines in bar-descriptor.xml
<!-- The permissions requested by your application. --> <permission>access_led_control</permission>
2. Add dynamic lib to be linked against in .pro
LIBS += -lbbdevice
3. Update main.cpp
#include <bb/device/Led> ... Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv) { ... // Register our class that wraps the C++ Led interface with QML so that we // can make calls into the Led and get results, through QML. qmlRegisterType<bb::device::Led>("bb.device", 1, 0, "Led"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<bb::device::LedColor>("bb.device", 1, 0, "LedColor", ""); ... }
4. Update .qml
import bb.device 1.0 Page { Container { ... } attachedObjects: [ Led { id: redLED color: LedColor.Red }, Led { id: blueLED color: LedColor.Blue }, Led { id: greenLED color: LedColor.Green }, Led { id: whiteLED color: LedColor.White } ] }
5. Put something there to trigger the LED, such as a button:
Button { text: "Blink White" onClicked: { whiteLED.flash(1); } horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center }
Done. Try the app right now!
Deployment Failed: Info: Sending request: Launch
It could be caused by crash of the app on the device, thus we may try below fixes:
1. Clean build and retry.
2. Re-enable development mode on devices.
3. Other "Re..."
Blackberry 10 Development over WiFi
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