Analyze with BPA500 Bluetooth Sniffer
0. Ensure devices disconnected and unpaired.
1. Put device (RC) into pairing mode, click Discover Device on BPA500. Choose the corresponding one. Set as Slave.
2. Put host (Board) into discoverable mode, click Discover Device on BPA500. Choose the corresponding one. (MAC: /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.xml). Set as Master.
3. Input Pin Code 0000, then Start.
4. Pair device to host.
*5. Wait for timeout/disconnected.
6. Save log.
7. Stop.
Get Bluetooth Packets
1. Set device as Master while host has Slave.
2. Input Link Key then start. (Key: /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.xml)
3. Send message from device to host (press some key).
*4. Wait for timeout/disconnected.
5. Save log.
6. Stop.
Ps: In advanced settings, we can uncheck the checkbox "Filter out Nulls and Polls" in ComProbe.
That enables us to see the Polls (ping from Master to Slave) and Nulls (Feedback from Slave).