- Format source code
- Colorscheme
- jeffy's vim plugin
- fx OR Fx
- Screen Scroll
- Enable mouse select and copy to clipboard
- (Block) Indent
- Switch windows
- Jump to the matching bracket
- substitute word(s)
- Change DOS ending to UNIX
- Change Syntax Highlight Mode Manually
- Batch Rename Files
- Suspend VIM to Shell, then Resume
- Use cscope to Add Specific Source Files and Headers
- Jump to the Header File under Cursor
Format source code
colorscheme is in "/usr/share/vim/vimXX/colors/"
jeffy's vim plugin
fx OR Fx
The former will move cursor to first 'x' rightside of current position.
The latter will move cursor to first 'x' leftside of current position.
Screen Scroll
<C-E> <C-Y> | <C-D> <C-U> | <C-F> <C-B>
zz, zt, zb
Enable mouse select and copy to clipboard
set mouse=v
(Block) Indent
< or >
Switch windows
<C-h, j, k, OR l>
Jump to the matching bracket
substitute word(s)
Replace the first "vivian" of current line with "sky"
Replace all "vivian" of current line with "sky"
Replace the first "vivian" in each line from the nth line to the last with "sky"
Replace all "vivian" in each line from the nth line to the last with "sky"
(n is a numeric, if n is ".", means from the current line to the last.)
Replace all "vivian" in each line from the nth line to the mth line with "sky"
Change DOS ending to UNIX
:e ++ff=unix
:w ++ff=unix
Change Syntax Highlight Mode Manually
:set syntax=cpp
Batch Rename Files
for fn in `ls *.ino`; do new=${fn%%ino}cpp; echo $fn $new; done
Suspend VIM to Shell, then Resume
Turn to shell, in vim:
Ctrl + z
Resume to vim, in shell:
$ fg
Use cscope to Add Specific Source Files and Headers
$ cscope -Rb -I Common/include/ -I BDP_CEC_Feature/include/ BDP_CEC_Feature/source/BDP_cec.c
Or multiple files & headers:
$ find PE/ Common/ -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' > cscope.files $ cscope -b (or specify explicitly: cscope -i cscope.files)
Jump to the Header File under Cursor
:set path+=.\** gf