Hame Page





"Ousia" is picked from Greek.
Mainly intend to represent the essence of Real-Time Theory.
Developed following K-I-S-S principle.

Source Tree Architecture
* core/
    Ousia core routines. Ousia porting code are also placed here.

* doc/
    Complete documentation of Ousia.

* driver/
    Different kinds of device drivers based on Ousia.
    They are all configurable.

* framework/
    Framework based on Ousia. Such as shell, vfs, etc.
    They are scalable and configurable, either.

* include/
    Header files of main routines of Ousia.

* platform/
    Chip and board specific code, e.g. low-level library.

* project/
    Project source code. Include several sample project instances.

* script/
    Useful scripts used while Ousia developing.

* support/
    Basic supporting stuffs for Ousia developing and building.
    Useful template files are placed here, such as porting code template.

How to Start for Fresh New Environment
-   Install toolchain
-   Make
    For a general purpose, these steps are enough, but there are some more
    steps needs to do for each platform.

    As for stm32 on linux host, we use dfu/serial/jtag to upload firmware,
    setup like below:
-   Install Codesourcery toolchain. (e.g. arm-2011.03-42-arm-none-eabi)
-   Install dfu-util/pyserial/openocd (it's up to your preference).
    Ps: In fedora or ubuntu, yum/apt-get install them is ok.
-   Resolve usb or serial access problems.
    (e.g. copy ousia/support/dfu/45-maple.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/)
-   Install minicom for console print if you want to debug with uart.
    Ps: Default port is /dev/ttyACMx
-   Do 'make' and 'make install'.

Create User Project Steps
-   Create a directory named PROJECT_NAME in folder "project".
-   Add user source code.
-   Create a file rules.mk to specify source code related rules for makefile.
-   Update TARGET_PLATFORM and PROJECT_NAME in main Makefile, then make.

Ps: Refer to existing projects for further detailed information.

Core Developing Steps
-   Choose or create a branch of yourself to work on.
-   Update source code, include those version related strings.
-   Modify related Makefiles and configuration files.
-   Build then do some testing on this branch.
-   Commit it.
-   Tag a new one if a new version is commited.
-   Push this branch to remote repo.
-   If this is a release version, update Ousia Release Notes.

Porting Steps
-   Create a directory named PLATFORM_NAME in folder "platform", then enter it.
-   Create three files: rules.mk config.mk target.mk.
        @rules.mk: makefile source code related rules
        @config.mk: parameters or flags for toolchains and environment
        @target.mk: rules for building target
-   Create a directory named "port" there then create three files in it.
        @ousia_cfg.h: os scalability related configurations
        @ousia_port.h: header of porting code
        @ousia_port.c: implentation of porting
-   Create other porting related stuffs, such as linker scripts, if necessary.
-   Update TARGET_PLATFORM and PROJECT_NAME in main Makefile, then make.

Ps: If modified porting related code, should not edit directly in "core/port",
do that in specific platform directory instead, e.g. "platform/stm32/port".
Makefile will copy them into "core/port" automatically depend on specific cpu

Build A Different Platform
Only modify the header TODO in root Makefile
-   Assign specific TARGET_PLATFORM and PROJECT_NAME

Download Code to Target Chip
-   Modify related User Customization Items in Makefile in source tree.
    For stm32, you need to decide which MEMORY_TARGET to use:
    jtag, flash, or ram.
-   Do proper operation on hardware. (i.e. change boot jumper or reset or sth.)
-   Then type 'make install' and it will do everything for you.

Ps: For stm32, there may be a bootloader, 'make bootloader' will download
bootloader code to chip via serial. And for simulation on x86, no code
downloading procedure is needed. See Makefile for detailed information.

Parts of make system and libmaple stm32 low-level code are borrowed from libmaple.
Thanks to their excellent works! - http://leaflabs.com


new pcb: 0x200016BC, stack_base: 0x20001638
pcb:  0x200016BC, stk: 0x200015FC
xpsr: 0x01000000   | 0x20001638
pc:   0x08005691   | 0x20001634
lr:   0x08005691   | 0x20001630
r12:  0x00000000   | 0x2000162C
r3:   0x00000000   | 0x20001628
r2:   0x00000000   | 0x20001624
r1:   0x00000000   | 0x20001620
r0:   0x00000000   | 0x2000161C
r11:  0x00000000   | 0x20001618
r10:  0x00000000   | 0x20001614
r9:   0x00000000   | 0x20001610
r8:   0x00000000   | 0x2000160C
r7:   0x00000000   | 0x20001608
r6:   0x00000000   | 0x20001604
r5:   0x00000000   | 0x20001600
r4:   0x00000000   | 0x200015FC

-------  SRAM LAYOUT  -------

        +-----------+ 0x20005000 (stack bottom)
        |           |
        +-----------+ 0x20004FFC
        |           |
        +-----------+ 0x20004FFC
        |           |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |           |
        +-----------+ 0x200016C4
        | 08005691  |
        +-----------+ 0x200016C0 (pcb->pentry, __ps_init() entry)
        | 200015FC  |
        +-----------+ 0x200016BC (pcb, pcb->stack_ptr)
        |           |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |           |
        |           |
 ---    +-----------+ 0x2000163C
  |     |    xpsr   |
  |     +-----------+ 0x20001638
        |    pc     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001634
        |    lr     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001630
        |    r12    |
        +-----------+ 0x2000162C
        |    r3     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001628
        |    r2     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001624
        |    r1     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001620
        |    r0     |
        +-----------+ 0x2000161C
        |    r11    |
        +-----------+ 0x20001618
        |    r10    |
 stk    +-----------+ 0x20001614
 128B   |    r9     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001610
        |    r8     |
        +-----------+ 0x2000160C
        |    r7     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001608
        |    r6     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001604
        |    r5     |
        +-----------+ 0x20001600
        |    r4     |
        +-----------+ 0x200015FC
        |           |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |           |
  |     +-----------+
  |     |           |
 ---    +-----------+ 0x200015BC
        |           |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        |     .     |
        +   ~   ~   +
        |           |
        |           |
        +-----------+ 0x20000004
        |           |
        +-----------+ 0x20000000 (stack top)

-------  SRAM LAYOUT  -------

Build on x86_64 Machines

For Fedora:

# yum install /lib/ld-linux.so.2
# yum install /lib/libusb-0.1.so.4
# yum install /lib/libusb*

Thus we can use i386/i686 toolchains as usual.